CoffiaCafe naša vlajková loď
Navštívte našu kaviareň! Pretože vám chceme naše kávy priniesť presne tak, ako ich pražiar zamýšlal. VODA Začíname úplne od začiatku. Najprv si pom...
Read moreOnly 5 to 10 percent of coffee in the world is SPECIALTY. It means it has to achieve cupping score of at least 80 pings according to Specialty Coffee Association, of which we are members. Coffia coffees usually score around 87+ and often more.
We taste large numbers of coffee samples every day and pick only the extraordinary ones. Those are usualy available only as micro or nano lots which are not appealing to large companies, because they need larger quantities and therefore they have to go with lower quality beans. Coffia embodies hunt for perfection without compromises.
Predplaťte si našu kávu a získajte nasledovné benefity
15% zľava
Prístup k novým kávam skôr ako ostatní
Menej starostí a vyššia flexibilita
Navštívte našu kaviareň! Pretože vám chceme naše kávy priniesť presne tak, ako ich pražiar zamýšlal. VODA Začíname úplne od začiatku. Najprv si pom...
Read moreÚvod V posledných rokoch sme v svete výberovej kávy videli nový trend, ktorý rozdelil nadšencov kávy viac než kedykoľvek predtým: infúzovanú kávu. ...
Read moreCoffia Cafe je miesto, kďe môžete ochutnať naše kávy tak, ako sme ich zamýšlali. Viac info...
Many thanks for the great coffee moments you brought this year into our home and cups...
Benoit Legrand
Every bag is amazing coffee adventure, unforgettable experience. Every bag is unforgetablle story.
Lucia Okšová
Three roast profiles. One is better than the other.
3rd wave at it's best!
Gabriel Szarka
Thank you. I enjoy those very private moments with Coffia very much....
Iva Fondrková
Coffia coffee = famous taste 🤗 aroma is very unusual... very fruity and I can't wait to receive another invitation from excellent roaster for great coffee tasting😉
Monika Kľučovská
Coffia coffee is great experience, pure and elegant taste...
Alena Paulecová
Coffia is member of Specialty Coffee Association. My roaster is certified SCA Roasting Professional a SCA Sensory Professional