CoffiaCafe naša vlajková loď
Navštívte našu kaviareň! Pretože vám chceme naše kávy priniesť presne tak, ako ich pražiar zamýšlal. VODA Začíname úplne od začiatku. Najprv si pom...
Read moreÚvod V posledných rokoch sme v svete výberovej kávy videli nový trend, ktorý rozdelil nadšencov kávy viac než kedykoľvek predtým: infúzovanú kávu. ...
Read moreBaristi na svetovej súťaži World Barista Championship okrem iného pripravujú aj mliečne drinky. Pripravujú ich tak, aby boli krémové, prirodzene sl...
Read moreIntroduction: In the world of specialty coffee, every detail matters, and one often overlooked but critical aspect is the coffee grinder. From bust...
Read moreWe are very happy that our coffee was also included in the review of the Coffee Blog. In the competition of several excellent Slovak roasteries, it...
Read moreIn the article you will learn: Why finally? What is Casacara How it tastes and how it is prepared Why it doesn't matter what coffee it comes from...
Read moreFor a start a little chemistry. I promise extremely little, but we need it to be able to have fun on the next level. Green coffee beans contain a l...
Read moreThere are a huge number of articles in the style of Robusta vs Arabica, but few of them capture the essence. This is because robusta is the salvati...
Read moreRozoznajú rôzne zloženie vody iba profíci? Čo spraviť, aby vám káva chutila tak ako v pražiarni. Jednoduché, ale aj zložitejšie prístupy na dokon...
Read moreIn this article you will learn: Which coffee is wrongly called the best. Which coffee is really the best in the world. How to recognize such coffe...
Read moreWith specialty and increasingly commonly with commodity coffees, we encounter a taste profile. It is a description of aromas and tastes that we cou...
Read moreCoffee cherries are typically processed in three basic ways: Washed Natural processing Honey processing You can read more info in our article R...
Read moreGeisha is undoubtedly the most amazing and most appreciated variety of coffee. Its distinctive aroma and intense taste, together with the lingering...
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